I just moved into a new place so all my free time has been spent getting settled. I went ahead and just considered each season of Scrubs an individual movie, instead of each disc, since it is a sitcom and each episode is only about 20-25 minutes. Book updates will be later, for now here are the movies:
Scrubs Seasons 1, 2, 3
In the unreal world of Sacred Heart Hospital, intern John "J.D" Dorian learns the ways of medicine, friendship and life.
So I borrowed the first season of Scrubs from Chris K. about two years ago, and never watched it until about a few months ago. (Don't ever let me borrow something.) This is a half hour sitcom that is f'ing hilarious, that has become that program that Andrea and I watch about two or three episodes a night with dinner. I like it a lot because it has some very slapstick humor, (people falling down, farting), as well as intelligent and witty jokes. Elliot is a babe with a cute little body, so that makes the show fun, and Turk is that one good friend that everyone wishes they had.
No Country For Old Men (Coen Brothers)
A hunter (Josh Brolin) stumbles upon a dead body, $2 million and a stash of heroin in the woods. He absconds with the cash, but brutal thief Anton Chigurh (Javier Bardem) comes looking for it, with a local sheriff (Tommy Lee Jones) on his trail. The roles of hunter and prey blur as the violent pursuits of money and justice collide. Joel and Ethan Coen direct this dark morality tale, which won four Oscars in 2008, including Best Picture.
Here is my thing with this movie - I loved it. But it is one of those movies where I think reading the book first kind of ruined it for me, because the Coen brothers did such an amazing job adapting it, that I knew everything that would happen next and there was absolutely no tension. So yeah, a part of me is curios as to what it is like to watch this movie without knowing anything about it.
Harsh Times (David Ayer)
First-time director David Ayer also penned the script for this gritty drama about the consequences of friendship, set in South Central Los Angeles. Geared up for some carousing around town, ex-soldier Jim David (Christian Bale) -- who's just accepted a job with the DEA -- cajoles pal Mike Alvarez (Freddy Rodriguez) into joining him for a little hell-raising. But when their good times turn to tragedy, the buddies are in for a rude awakening.
This same dude, David Ayer, wrote the screenplay for Training Day. He does a great job at creating tension in films. Freddy Rodriguez, who I have only seen in a few episodes of Scrubs, (and as the dude in Can't Hardly Wait who is entirely way too stoked about his girlfriends parents bedroom mirror on the ceiling), does a great a job as the best friend who knows his buddy since youth is completely fucked up, but stays by his side no matter what. Bale, as usual is unbelievable. Unfortunately, I think the one thing the film was missing was a little bit more elaboration on the fact that Bale had post traumatic stress syndrome from the military. But yeah, can't really explain why but I watched this movie three times in two day, I like it a lot.
I need to start watching stuff that sucks because everything has been 8-10/10.
Revolver (Guy Ritchie)
Guy Ritchie delivers another fast-paced crime thriller starring Jason Statham (of Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels and Snatch), who this time plays Jake, a gangster and ace gambler recently released from prison. Determined to hustle the crime boss (Ray Liotta) who killed his sister-in-law, Jake deliberately humiliates the kingpin in a private game. But when the mobster calls for Jake's head, a mysterious duo steps in to save his skin.
Lock Stock and Snatch were both pretty straight forward. Crime plot with a few twists here and there. But with Revolver, Guy Ritchie goes deeper and dives into the psyche which, when mixed with the Lock Stock and Snatch formula, just gets buck wild. This is the first time I've seen Statham, (who I love), in a movie where I thought, "Holy shit! Besides kicking peoples asses, he can act!" His and Ray Liotta's performance both stand out. That one black dude who released that obnoxiously over played hit from a few years ago where in the video he played all the band members, as well as Vagina from Sopranos also do an awesome job in the movie. But that best character of all is the hired assassin who is apparently the 'best' in the business.
Right when the movie ended I thought, "oh, I need to watch this again now that I know what the point of it is." Yeah, it is one of those movies. Guy Ritchie also gets points for what he did with the credits, never seen something like that done before. Good stuff.
movie count 18/156
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