Sunday, June 1, 2008

Things I Borrowed From Kevin

Y: The Last Man (comic books)  Brian K. Vaughan

I guess I'll just count all of them as one book.

Every single male is DEAD except for a man and his monkey, Yorick Brown (man) and Ampersand (monkey).  So he has to figure out what the F is going on, and find his fiancee who is in Australia.  Many different characters join him along the way, most notably a secret agent known only as 355 who was hired to protect Yorick, which proves to be a challenge.  Ninjas, pirates, Israeli's and one-boobed super lesbians are all after the only living man.  Or is he....???

This series is f-ing awesome.  It's funny, intriguing, never boring.  Awesome all the way through.  It is written by one of the writers of LOST, and it makes me realize how even though LOST is awesome, it would be even sweeter with an infinite budget, and no "seasons".  And if Walt could have stayed a little kid... but anyway back to Y.   I've never read any comic books before but this one has me wanting to explore more.  Must read.


It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia (TV show) seasons 1 & 2

As Jake Baby Jake would say, this is basically Battlestar Gallactica in a bar.  I read somewhere that it was "Seinfeld on crack" which I think is more accurate.  It's a lot like "Seinfeld", where a group of self-obsessed friends go on wacky adventures that usually come full circle to a hilarious ending.  I didn't pay much attention to this show back when it was first on cable because I thought it was just trying to get laughs by being offensive.  But after closer inspection the show is actually hilarious and offensive not just hilarious  because it is offensive, which usually isn't that hilarious.  But IASIP is hilarious.  


49/150 cinema

9/15 literature

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