In the much anticipated sequel to 1987's vampire movie, "The Lost Boys", we find a similar storyline, similar terrible-ness in a good way-ness, and similar Corey Feldman. Replacing Corey Haim and Jason Patric's characters are two people I've never heard of playing a pro surfer who got kicked off the circuit and his little sister. After the surfer "snaps" and gets kicked off the circuit, he takes his sister to Santa Clara, which looks suspiciously Canadian. Then we pretty much go down the same road as we did back in '87.
Not quite as good as the original. Corey Feldman pretty much makes it worthwhile. Every one of his lines is pure gold. "Who ordered the stake?" He asks, brandishing two stakes made of wooden crosses. Not as classic as "Death by stereo" but still hilarious. Other then Feldman it's kind of hit or miss. But the return of Edgar Frog totally makes "The Tribe" worth checking out.
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