Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Arctic Vaginal Wastelands, Topless Wakeboarding and David Bowie

Wholphin Issue  1 (Various Directors)

A collection of short films featuring such directors as Spike Jonze, Miguel Arteta and David O. Russell.  

Very disappointed with this.  The first short is written by Miranda July, directed by Arteta, and stars John C. Reilly as a guy who asks three people if they are "the favorite person of anybody".  I've seen this described as "beautiful" at least twice, but I guarantee whatever you can imagine about this 5 minute film is more interesting then what actually does happen.   Even more ridiculous is a 20 minute film starring Selma Blair who after seeing several gynecologists finds one who discovers an arctic wasteland after going right up in there.  Yikes.  I thought at least Spike Jonze would have something to offer but he just follows Al Gore around with a $200 video camera.  There is also a Turkish sitcom with five different choices of subtitles, and an Iranian cartoon  where a guy kills a monster by making what looks like a pickle appear between his fingers, cutting the pickle in half, and this of course cuts the monster in half.  

I didn't watch the whole thing, but what I saw was pretentious and boring.  Except for the voodoo pickle.  That was kind of funny. 


Friday the 13th (2009 edition, Dir. Marcus Nispel) 

The guys are obnoxious.

The girls show their boobs (even when  wakeboarding).

Jason kills them.

Did have one of the funniest moments I've seen in a movie in awhile.  It involves a boat.


The  Prestige (dir. Christopher Nolan)

Christian (Batman) Bale and Hugh (Wolverine) Jackman play rival magicians in Nineteenth century London try to outdo each other while searching for the ultimate trick.  Also stars Scarlett Johansson, Michael Caine, David Bowie and Gollum.

Unique story + strong cast + Christopher Nolan = very entertaining movie, with twists that aren't there just for the sake of having twists.



jakob said...

everything you posted about Wholphin Issue 1 sounds pretty amazing to me, but then everything you posted about batman sounds not amazing. The world is a weird opinionated place

Whadawookie said...

This blog is sweet.