Thursday, February 5, 2009

RocknRolla  (Dir. Guy Ritchie 2008)

In London, a real-estate scam, millions of euros, and a mysterious painting bring together all kinds of criminal types, and one presumed dead rock star.

Basically if you've seen "Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels", or  "Snatch", you know exactly what to expect.  Instead of a couple of rare guns or a huge diamond, there is a mysterious painting.  There is a large cast of likable criminals getting into darkly comic situations.  And there is a pretty unexpected ending.   So if you love those movies,  you might like "RocknRolla", if you didn't like those movies, pass on this one because it's just more of the same.

I was a fan of "Lock Stock" and "Snatch".  But "RocknRolla" is not only a bit too similar, but a little more dull, like a B-Side to one of Ritchie's greatest hits.  Supposedly its the first part of a trilogy.  I'll probably check out the sequel, but I'm not holding my breath.


Man On Wire  (Dir. James Marsh)

Documentary about Phillipe Petit's tightrope walk between the Twin Towers in 1974.

This movie has received a lot of praise, but I wasn't that impressed.  I was kind of into it at first when they were describing/re-enacting the events leading up to the "artistic crime of the century", then I fell asleep.  Then  I woke up and Petit was tightroping it up, which is cool and all don't get me wrong, but as a result...


Petit becomes famous, dumps his girlfriend and his best friend gets kicked out of the country.
That's kind of downer.  So he could walk on a wire between two buildings.  I think the act gets a little over romanticized (especially by Petit) and what ends up happening to the people who helped him accomplish his dream makes it look even more frivolous.  


Slumdog Millionaire (Dir. Danny Boyle)

A teen who grew up in the slums of India goes on "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire" in order to find the girl he was separated from years before.  After getting one question away from the big prize, he is arrested and accused of cheating.  He then explains (via flashback) how he knew the answers to all the questions.

Very entertaining and enjoyable movie.   The cinematography, music, locations and performances from the actors all help an original (if somewhat unlikely) story that make this movie live up to all the hype.  Because there is no way a hollywood version based in America would not totally suck.  I haven't seen the other nominees for best picture, but I'd have to pick this one to win.



Step Brothers  (Dir. Adam McKay)

Will Ferrell and  John C. Reilly play two guys who live with their single mother and father, respectively, and are forced to live together when their parents fall and love and get married.  Before the opening credits are over.

This is pretty much just an hour and a half of Ferrell and Reilly acting like idiots, which is fine with me.  If you don't think these two are funny, this movie is not going to convince you otherwise.  But if you are a fan of Ferrell and/or Reilly, and you thought "Talladega Nights" was just a little too artsy, then "Step Brothers" is right up your alley.

The real reason I highly recommend this movie is the audio commentary, featuring Will Ferrell, John C. Reilly, director Adam  McKay and music by Jon Brion (Magnolia, Kanye's "Late Registration") and special guest Baron Davis of the Los Angeles Clippers.  The commentators spontaneously break out into song throughout the commentary.  My personal favorite being about a prosthetic scrotum.

Movie:  8/10

Movie w/ commentary:  10/10

Chungking Express (Dir.  Kar Wai Wong  1994)

Two similar stories of two different cops in Hong Kong.  One is still pining for his girlfriend that broke up with him five years ago.  The other keeps visiting a waitress.......

And I couldn't watch this whole movie.  I've read many a glowing review, Quentin Tarantino put his name  on one version of the DVD,  another version got the Criterion Collection  treatment so I was expecting a lot more.  I guess "film buffs" think things like buying a can of pineapple every day for a month with the same expiration date is some sort of genius metaphor.  (Love expires, pineapples expire.... get it?)  Or saying things like "The body loses water when you jog.  So you have none left for tears" is incredibly moving.    There's lots of narration like that.  Lots.

Netflix recommended this one to me because I liked "Rushmore", "City of God", "Annie Hall", "The Office", "Barton Fink" and "Spirited Away" among others.  I love those movies.  I couldn't stand this movie.

The Bourne Identity (Dir. Doug Liman)

Matt Damon plays Jason Bourne, a man trying to figure out who he is, why people are trying to kill him, and why he is so good at fighting back.

Pretty solid action movie.  Liked it.  Didn't love it.  Don't hate it.   Sometimes you just feel like something with some car chases and fighting and amnesia.  Bourne Identity fulfills that need.



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